Who should see a Dietician?
Any person who wants to ensure they are eating for optimal health and vitality,
regardless of your illness or health. Latest reasearch shows that most people are not eating a healthy balanced diet. This
explains the epicemic of preventable diseases and high obesity rates..
These are some of the most common conditions which respond
well to nutrition therapy:
Insulin resistance and "Syndrome X"
Weight Management
Diabetes Mellitus type 1 and 2
High Cholesterol
Irritable bowel syndrome (spastic colon)
Chronic Fatigue
Food allergies and intolerances
Gluten intolerance - Celiac disease
Lactose intolerance
Constipation and Hemorrhoids
HIV and Aids
Chron's Disease
Diverticulosis and Divertikulitis
Reflux and Hernia
Diseases of the liver
Diseases of the digestive system
Diseases of the kidney
There are so many other areas in which nutrition plays a vital role:
As you can see the field of nutrition and diet therapy requires extensive knowledge of both the medical and nutritional
field. It is important that the person you consult regarding your diet is fully trained and qualified as a Dietitian. Dieticians
are registered with the HPCSA and should have a practice number. Several people claim to be "nutrition experts" and do
not always have the necessary knowledge to help you.